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School of Education

One of the oldest school of the university offering four formal programs (MEd, BEd, CEd, BMEd). Find your desired Ebooks/course materials on given links:

Learners' Guide:

School of Social Science Huminities & Languages

School of Social Science Huminities & Languages(SSHL) offering these formal programs( BA & BSS, BA(Honors), BSS(Honors), MA, MSS, LLB, CALP). Find your desired Ebooks/course materials on given links:

Learners' Guide:

  • BA (Honors) & BSS(Honors):Bangla,  History,  Islamic Studies,  Philosophy,  Sociology,  Political Science,  Law (Coming soon..)
  • MA & MSS: Bangla,  History,  Islamic Studies,  Sociology,  Political Science, Philosophy (Coming soon..)


School of Agriculture & Rural Development

School of Agriculture & Rural Development offering these formal programs(MS in Agricultural Science, B.Ag.Ed, DYDW, CLP, CPFP). Find your desired Ebooks/course materials on given links:

Learners' Guide:

Open School

Open School of the university offering three foraml programs(SSC,HSC, BBS, BBA, MBA). Find your desired Ebooks/course materials on given links:

Learners' Guide:

School of Science & Technology

School of Science & Technology offering these foramal programs( MPH, MDMR, PGDMU, Nursing, CSE, DCSA). Find your desired Ebooks/course materials on given links:

Learners' Guide:

School of Business

School of Business of the university offering these foraml programs( BBA, MBA, EMBA,CEMBA/CEMPA, PGDM, CIM). Find your desired Ebooks/course materials on given links:

Learners' Guide: